Deprecated: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in /home/sedighman/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-farsi/includes/pdate.php on line 3
Deprecated: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in /home/sedighman/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-farsi/includes/pdate.php on line 3
Warning: Use of undefined constant user_profile_completion - assumed 'user_profile_completion' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/sedighman/public_html/wp-content/themes/betheme-child/functions.php on line 97
Deprecated: Function create_function() is deprecated in /home/sedighman/public_html/wp-content/themes/betheme/functions/theme-woocommerce.php on line 158 کیفیت زندگی بایگانی | صفحه 10 از 13 | خانه توانمندسازی صدیق منش Deprecated: هوک wpseo_opengraph از نگارش14.0 منسوخ شده است! بهجای آن از wpseo_frontend_presenters استفاده نمایید. in /home/sedighman/public_html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 6085
Deprecated: تابع WC_Cart::get_cart_url از نگارش 2.5 منسوخ شده است! به جای آن از wc_get_cart_url استفاده نمایید. in /home/sedighman/public_html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 6085 0
Don’t Talk About Your Goals Imagine you are having coffee with your friends talking about your life and work. Everybody talks passionately about their accomplishments in […]
How I Find Contentment I’ve talked before about how, instead of trying to seek happiness we should aim for the more manageable goal of contentment. I […]